Ethical Policy

Mailing Expert recognises that as we carry out our business we have a wider responsibility to the public as a whole.  We are working hard to build a company that is both profitable and reliable, but also recognises the interests of our customers, employees, suppliers and business partners as well as the wider community where we ply our trade.  Mailing Expert has developed and is totally dedicated to a code of ethics which we have created to promote honesty, integrity, fairness and respect in everything we do.  We are committed to:-

  • Providing customers with the best value solutions, to fit their budget and target audience.
  • Providing a safe, happy and harmonious working environment for all of our people, where trust is paramount and everyone is afforded equal opportunities regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation or disability.
  • Encouraging all of our people in their endeavours and aiming to recognise and reward the contributions and efforts that are made by all.
  • Recognising that we work in an industry where our day to day business activities can have an impact upon the environment.  We work continually to find systems, materials and methods to minimise, reduce or offset these where possible.
  • Taking a responsible attitude towards health and safety, and taking a proactive approach to safeguard and protect our customers, suppliers, employees and the people that come in contact with us.
  • Taking a proactive role within our local community and are always looking for ways to make and grow productive relationships with our neighbours.
  • Taking care of our business partners.  We make sure that we honour all of our contractual obligations to suppliers, business partners and others.  We aspire to build long-term relationships with everyone that we work with.  This helps us achieve the highest level of service standards and ensures that we are able to deliver on our promises.
  • Working within the law and helping our clients comply with relevant legislation such as the Data Protection Act, as well as other by-laws and regulations.


Environmental Policy

Mailing Expert is passionate about the environment.  We believe that everyone should act responsibly to protect the health and well-being of our community and that we all have a part to play in protecting and preserving our planet.  It is important therefore that we understand the impact that our activities can have on the environment at every level and to take steps to minimise and reduce the damage that we do.  Whatever we do, and where ever possible, we work to find sustainable solutions to environmental problems.  We try to lead and influence our customers, suppliers, employees and the people that come in contact with us to adopt processes and procedures which work to protect and enhance the environment.  In support of these principles, Mailing Expert is committed to:

– Promoting and protecting of the environment

– Reducing the company’s environmental impact by using effective waste management systems, which seek to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever possible

– Complying with, and exceeding the requirements of environmental legislation

– Increasing awareness of environmental responsibilities and issues among our customers, suppliers, employees and the people that come in contact with us


It’s easy being green – Reduce, Recycle, Reuse…..

Call Mailing Expert on 01825 983 033 for further details and find out how we can help you reduce your environmental footprint.

Recycle today for a better tomorrow

postoptTo find out how Mailing Expert can help you reduce the environmental impact of your marketing campaign call now on 01825 983 033